Monday, April 30, 2012

Sewn Lovlies

While it's not my shop, Pine Hill Forest is a shop that I help out with. I photograph many of the pieces, and set up the listings. I wish I could say I've done some of the sewing, but my talents do not extend to hand embroidery, stitching, cutting patterns in a straight line or sewing machines. These talents all belong to the shop owner Colleen, who happens to be my mom.

Here are a few of my favorite items in the shop right now. I'll start with the hand sewn animal friends she makes:

Morton - A hand sewn squirrel whose acorn doubles as a tooth fairy pillow or gift card holder!

Claire - A one of a kind dragon. My little girl will own one of these for sure as she is being born in the "year of the dragon" :)

Pickle - The perfect baby friendly pig.

Now for the zipper pouches. I own about a billion of these and love them all. They hold my knitting and crochet supplies, pretty packaging tapes I use on all out going sales, diaper bag supplies, etc. I also like to use them as alternatives to wrapping paper when giving small gifts. You just can't go wrong with a pretty little zipper pouch!

Okay, last but certainly not least are her hand embroidered, completely one of a kid, pins and key fobs. Initially she would just embroider a fun felt zipper pull for each of her zipper pouches. I kept remarking on how much I loved them. So much that I asked her to make one in pin form for me to stick on one of my purses. And that is when she started specifically making pins and key fobs. I also love to use the pins on some of my hand knit shawls which I use as scarves in the winter. It's a cute little touch that makes me smile on those super cold days.

I think I could've picked out at least 30 more items to feature, but these are my top favorites in each section of her shop! Do you have a favorite?

Friday, April 27, 2012

Before the Bells

Before you hear those wedding bells, you need to save the date!
I designed just two new save the date cards, but I am really in love with them:

I can't even say which one I like better than the other. 
Now if you will excuse me I need to finish up a special crocheted blanket for a little girl's nursery :) 
And of course there will be photos once it is completed!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Do You Hear Wedding Bells?

So as promised, I am going to use these next few posts to show you some of the new work I've been doing the last few months!

First thing I want to show you is the new collection I am most excited about.
My Wedding Invitation Collection!


All invitations can be printed in one of two different paper options:

This has been something I've wanted to do for a long time, and I am so glad that I it is finally all coming together! What do you think? Do you have a favorite collection? I really like them all, but I think The Olive Collection or Claire Collection would be my personal favorites :)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

New & Exciting

Hello Everyone! 
It feels so good to be blogging under the Olive&Ruby name! 

It took me a while to decide, but I am now the proud worker bee behind Olive and Ruby on Etsy, and Olive and Ruby Kids (formerly Cabbages and Kings Art). I wanted to tie the two shops together more closely, and felt this was a great way to do it. Once I had completed the task of changing my shop name I decided a blog re-do was in order as well! It is going to take me a little bit to get everything looking as it did before, but I thought it was ready enough for its first post.

So while I've been spring cleaning my shops and blog, I've also been growing a little human. I'll tell you compared to when I was pregnant with my son this has been tough work. For 12 long weeks I was sick morning, noon, and night. As the all day sickness began to disappear I was hit with bronchitis. I was hit with it so bad that I ended up in the hospital as they wanted to make sure I didn't have pneumonia. A few weeks after that I finally started to feel like me again. I had one small cold when I was pregnant with my son and that was it! So I started to wonder, might we have a wee little lady on our hands?

Yes, we do :)

We found out that a little girl is indeed on her way last week and are just over the moon with the news. Our little boy gets a little sister, and our family will be complete. 

I have also been working on loads of new work for the shops, and I'll use the next few posts to update you on all of that. In the meantime I am off to recharge with a bit of sleep. A teething little boy has kept his parents up almost every night. Guess he thought he wanted to remember the sleepless nights of infants before his little sister arrives!