Wednesday, April 25, 2012

New & Exciting

Hello Everyone! 
It feels so good to be blogging under the Olive&Ruby name! 

It took me a while to decide, but I am now the proud worker bee behind Olive and Ruby on Etsy, and Olive and Ruby Kids (formerly Cabbages and Kings Art). I wanted to tie the two shops together more closely, and felt this was a great way to do it. Once I had completed the task of changing my shop name I decided a blog re-do was in order as well! It is going to take me a little bit to get everything looking as it did before, but I thought it was ready enough for its first post.

So while I've been spring cleaning my shops and blog, I've also been growing a little human. I'll tell you compared to when I was pregnant with my son this has been tough work. For 12 long weeks I was sick morning, noon, and night. As the all day sickness began to disappear I was hit with bronchitis. I was hit with it so bad that I ended up in the hospital as they wanted to make sure I didn't have pneumonia. A few weeks after that I finally started to feel like me again. I had one small cold when I was pregnant with my son and that was it! So I started to wonder, might we have a wee little lady on our hands?

Yes, we do :)

We found out that a little girl is indeed on her way last week and are just over the moon with the news. Our little boy gets a little sister, and our family will be complete. 

I have also been working on loads of new work for the shops, and I'll use the next few posts to update you on all of that. In the meantime I am off to recharge with a bit of sleep. A teething little boy has kept his parents up almost every night. Guess he thought he wanted to remember the sleepless nights of infants before his little sister arrives!


  1. Oh, what a beautiful make-over, Stephanie! Hope that all the sickness is gone now and that you can enjoy this special time! :)

  2. Thank you Mitsy! It took me a lot longer than I had anticipated but I am really happy with the new blog :)
