Monday, May 14, 2012

On My Wish List...

I am forever finding things on Etsy that I would just love to have for myself! The list expands almost daily! Here are few of those finds which I would like for our baby girl on the way:

1. Ruffle Butt Diaper Cover -  I'm not sure that there are too many things cuter than a little baby girl with a ruffly butt. Especially in these beautiful colors!

2. Yellow Ruffly Onesie - And of course she would need the matching onesie to go with her ruffly butt diaper cover. Yellow and Green are my two favorite colors so this is  right up my alley.

3. Ceramic Pig Planter - There are plants in almost every room of our house. This fun planter would be absolutely perfect in little lady's nursery. All that is left is picking out a perfect plan to put in it!

4.  You Are My Sunshine Print -  My little boy has a toy that plays this song over and over and it has been one of his favorite toys since he was a little babe. Every time I hear this song it makes me smile, and this print is a beautiful way to include it in our little lady's room!

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